Monday, October 22, 2012

Screen shots used for SNAP-Ed AIMS Reporting Centra Session.

AIMS myReporting page

"View Reports" myReporting page

Data Report links, myReporting page

Select Type of Contact pages
Indirect Contact Report page example
Narrative Box details

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Help! My SNAP-Ed report did not print!

If your SNAP-Ed AIMS report didn't print, go to your SNAP-Ed "Event List" page in AIMS.

Find the event needed and select the "View" link for that event.

Print the view page.

SNAP-Ed Event List page

Monday, October 15, 2012

When do I use an AIMS SNAP-Ed "Event" report?

Use a SNAP-Ed Event report in AIMS for ALL contacts (direct and indirect) made with the clientele of SNAP-Ed Partners.

Do NOT report these contacts to a myReporting Contacts report.

myReporting page--AIMS

Help with SNAP-Ed AIMS Reporting for FY13

Start out the FY13 year "in the know" by participating in one of the AIMS Reporting SNAP-Ed In-Service Centra Sessions.

Centra Session #1: Monday, Oct. 22nd, 1:30 PM


Centra Session #2 (a repeat of #1): Monday, Oct.29th, 1:30 PM

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